Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 26 - I’m Not Quitting!

Well I guess I have to live with it! I am the same weight as yesterday, 209 pounds. It’s Friday afternoon and I just returned from the gym for my mid-day workout. I wasn’t going to workout today because I generally don’t have time on Fridays. But I felt that I had to put the time in today because I didn’t get a workout yesterday, plus I had two poor weigh-ins in a row. I guess I can’t call today’s weigh-in bad because I didn't gain anything but I didn’t lose either.

Tonight is our date night and my wife wants pizza. Well, actually, so do I, but I also want cookies, prime rib, and a cheeseburger with fries. I will buy the smallest pizza I can get and I will only eat two slices. Once she has the portion she wants I am going to throw the rest out! I don’t need to eat the rest as leftovers just because we paid for it. If I do eat the rest I will “pay for it” by gaining more weight. That’s too high a price. I haven’t spent 50 hours in the gym giggling. It has been very hard work to lose the measly 6 pounds to date!

So far I have been on this journey for 26 days. And as of this morning, I have lost 6 pounds. My average weight loss for 26 days is .23 pounds a day. I have to find a solution to my weight loss or someday I will die on the treadmill!

Here is my weekly status so far:
Week 1 I lost 5 pounds.
Week 2 I lost 4 pounds.
Week 3 I gained 1 pound.
Week 4 I gained 2 pounds. (This week.)
Net weight loss is 6 pounds. At least my losses were bigger than my gains.

I am trying to keep things in perspective and not give up thinking I will never hit my target of 185 pounds. So looking at the progress I have made I can only conclude one thing: I have lost 6 pounds. That is progress. I never thought I would get to 185 pounds in a month anyway. But I have made progress.

I can see I have a couple of new targets:

  1. Lose weight by the end of the next week;
  2. Lose more than 6 pounds by the end of the next four weeks.

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